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2. Starting point

The starting point for causal discovery is this dataset (CSV file) produced by Kaiaulu’s Issue Commit Flow Notebook ; henceforth called Kaiaulu:

+ openssl_social_smells_timeline.csv

The following table provides a Data Dictionary explaining the variables in the dataset. The first column defines Kaiaulu’s output. The second column defines derived variables for input to causal discovery, and hereafter to disambiguate they are defined as features. Since missing values in the original table reflect in meaning zero commits, they were replaced with zeros (MD Reason 2 further below).

The Data Dictionary is separated in 3 tables for clarity, however it represents a single data table.

2.1 Descriptive Variables

Variable Definition Derived Variable (i.e. Feature)
cve_id (A) Identifies a software vulnerability in OpenSSL Converted from String to Integer due to Tetrad data type limitations.

Concatenate the last two digits of the year with the last four digits of the cve_id and convert into an integer. (E.g. 2006 and CVE ID XXX4339 becomes 06339).

Rationale: The CVE ID feature is converted into a set of dichotomous indicator features, one per CVE ID. This conversion allows searching the entire dataset as a single CSV file (rather than one per CVE ID).

Limitations: While making the application of causal discovery simpler, the transformation presumes a single underlying causal model relating sociotechnical measures to outcomes within consecutive time periods for CVE remediation. However, the extent to which such a common-across-CVEs structural causal model exists is also concurrently tested by this inclusion of the dichotomous CVE indicators in the dataset being searched; and seeing whether and how many edges form between a CVE dichotomous indicator. So, in what follows, we pay particular attention to how many such edges form between particular CVEs and any sociotechnical or outcome variables.
commit_interval (activity_0: B) (activity_2: C) Concatenation of the hashes of the first and last instances of CVE-related activity (especially commits) during the time period. If there is only one commit within the 3-month period associated with a given CVE remediation, then the hashes will be identical. If there are none, then the field will just be blank. Replaced with indicator features:

• activity_0 (equals 1 if and only if zero hashes appear) and
• activity_2 (equals 1 if and only if two hashes appear)

Later, both indicator features were removed following their use in preparation of the dataset for causal discovery, given their redundancy.

start_day (D) First day of the time period Renamed “Start” for brevity.

Replaced with date ordinal value due to Tetrad not supporting datetime datatype.
end_day 90 days after the start_day Deleted due to deterministic relationship with start_day

2.2 Socio-Technical Smell Variables

The next three variables (org_silo, missing_links, and radio_silence) represent “social smells”, as defined in Kaiaulu’s Notebook.

Variable Definition Derived Variable (i.e. Feature)
org_silo (E) The number of a pair of developer file changes within a time period which at least one developer is not subscribed to the mailing list No change to variable name
missing_links (F) The number of a pair of developer file changes within a time period which the pair of developers do not reply to the same e-mail thread in the mailing list. Renamed “mis_link” for brevity
radio_silence (G) Count of delays due to lack of direct communication between two sub-communities engaged in a CVE’s remediation. Renamed “silence” for brevity
primma_donna (Not yet fully operationalized at the time of our analysis and thus dropped from further consideration.) Deleted
st_congruence (H) Short for “Socio-technical congruence.” A single continuous measure of overall similarity between collaboration graph and the file graph.

Scale from 0..1 (1 means perfect congruence).
Renamed “congruence” for brevity
Communicability (I) A continuous measure of the diffusion of information. How likely is it that an architectural decision is known by the set of developers that need to know about it.

Scale from 0..1 (1 means perfect communicability). Is the inverse of incommunicability.
Renamed “communicate” for brevity

2.3 Work-Rate Variables

Variable Definition Derived Variable (i.e. Feature)
code_only_devs (J) Count of developers who made commits to the implicated CVE-related files during the time period. (For the CVE identified in column A.) Renamed “code_dev” for brevity
code_files (K) Count of files involved in CVE’s remediation. Renamed “file” for brevity
ml_only_devs (L) Count of people who sent at least one item to mailing list during time period. Not necessarily on topic. Renamed “mail_dev” for brevity
ml_threads (M) Count of email threads in ML during that time window on any topic. Renamed “thread” for brevity
n_commits (N) Count of commits (there can be multiple commits for multiple files) during time period Renamed “commit” for brevity
sum_churn (O) Count of Lines of Code (LOC) committed to the code file counted in code_files; summed over the commits in n_commits. Renamed “churn” for brevity

The results of this initial conversion appear here:

+ openssl_social_smells_timeline..renameVariables.csv

Note that we keep the original filename but append a brief phrase (“…renameVariables”) to indicate what action we just took on the dataset. The original dataset and this name-converted dataset both have 6697 rows.

Also, we assume that all the rows dealing with the same CVE are contiguous to each other and also that for each CVE, rows appear in time period order (for the same CVE).